Thursday, April 29, 2010


When reading the beginning the chapter 24, I was little confused as to what they were trying to get at, especially after the first sentence. I thought to myself, 'well of course people in Iran aren't going to like Barbie. She is not very conservative at all.' Then I continued reading, and as soon as I read about both dolls being made in China it all clicked!
I feel that America totally relies on imports a little too much. I'm curious to see what things would be like if China didn't exist, or what things would be like had globalization and trade not grown to the extent of which they exist today.
Earlier today when I was blogging about Communism, I was looking for a political cartoon that I could use to sum everything up as the way I see it, but I was unable to find one. I did however come across a cartoon, thought nothing of it at the time, and then as I was writing this blog, I realized that it would be perfect!
So, here is that cartoon!

Couldn't have said it better myself!

My God vs. Your God

Our book speaks about all these conflicts between different religions, and many people wonder if it will ever stop.
The answer... no.
There are so many different religions out there. The main ones that our book looked at were Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism. I believe that the conflicts between these religions arise out of fear. Many people often wonder which religion is the "right" religion, and it is this question that brings about controversies. We all, at some level, are seeking eternal salvation, but how is that attained? Then there is the controversy over who are God's chosen.
Chances of things changing are very slim; however, one thing stands a chance in ending it all...

My friend has been living in the Dominican Republic for the last nine months in a convent, so of course she has had many religious discussion that she tells me about. A couple of months ago, she was telling me that she and a nun were speaking of religion, and she asked the sister if she was ever worried that everything that she believes in, everything that she has devoted her life to, if the God that she serves does not exist. Her answer.. NO!
She said that she had the utmost faith in her God, that she doesnt even bother worrying about things like that or other religions. But of course, she still respects those of other religions.
So, let me rephrase what will end this fighting amongst religions...

Two Great Men

I have had the privilege of being in the same room as Nelson Mandela and got to hear him speak last year when I went to the inauguration. I went with a specific group and everyday we would go to the University of Maryland where we would hear of different people's life stories and the things that they achieved againt all odds.
Among those people was Nelson Mandela. I cannot even begin to explain how remarkable this man is. He was so full of life!
Before this chapter I knew that he was a historical figure resposible for change, but I had no idea how badly he had it in prison and the extent of all his struggles. When people go through things like that it really affects them, leaving some bitter. This was not the case with Nelson Mandela. Not once while he was speaking to us did he not have a smile on his face. He also laughed A LOT!! It was cute. I remember thinking that his laugh kind of sounded like Rafiki's laugh from the lion king. He was seemed so free-spirited, and you could tell that he was just an absolute joy to be around!!

I think that we can learn a lot from people like Nelson Mandela and Ghandi. They are prime examples that love will get you farther than fear. Their persistance, dedication, and courage to stand up for what they believe in was truly remarkable.
We need more Madelas and Ghandis in this world!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Leading Through Fear

Chapter 22 reminded me of a question that we have spoken about before...

As a leader, is it better to be loved or feared?

Fear can more easily be turned into hatred, especially when the people are dissatisfied to begin with. This developed hatred can lead to revolt against a tyrant leader. So it was no surprise to me that Communism failed.

We all have minds of our own and it is very hard to force things on people and to be successful doing so.

You can't force people to be the same, and give them all the same social status. People lose motivation that way. They are being enabled so they have no disire to acheive more, because they will not be recognized for it or receive the benefits from it.
Part of living and experiencing life is earning the things you want. Communism doesn't allow for that to happen.

As for the cold war... Well, the fact that nuclear arms exists is quite frightening. Now a days, we are some what desensitized when it comes to their existanstance, but I can't imagine how horrified the poeple of that time must have been.
I often wonder how many nuclear threats this country gets, threats that we never hear about.
I just pray that there is never a WWIII... It will be the end of us.

The Most Recent Century

It was so sad to me that when speaking of the most recent century, the century that I am apart of, the first thing our book spoke of was war and the effects of war.
Is this really how we are defining the century?
Is violence the only way that we feel our voice can be heard?

I'm more of a pacifist myself. I used to say that I was a left handed hippie in a previous life.

War, amoung other things, all comes down to this idea of superiority. Personally, I feel that people and nations that feel the need to distinguish themselves as "superior" are completely insecure. It's sad that bullying has reached a global level.


It is undeniable how much colonization changed the world. I can't imagine what my life would be like today had it never occured.
It is unfair what these more powerful countries did to the vunerable ones.
Power and greed led to the exploitation and slaughtering of so many people. Not to mention they took away the land that was rightfully theirs.
However, through this, these indiginous people saw that their is a way of living different from their own. I imagine that before colonization the indiginous were content with their way life, and after colonization I imagine that they wanted more for themselves, better things. Not only because they were so degraded, but also because they were inspired by things that they saw and experienced, things that they probably wouldn't have seen without colonization.

I also like to think about the things that I love and enjoy doing, and wonder if that would at all be possible had colonization never occured. For example, you love to travel and see first hand what it is life is like for other cultures. Things that wouldn't even be possible pre-colonization.
Yes, so many unnescessary lives were lost and taken advantage of, but so many doors have also been opened because of it.

All Great Things Have an End

Throughout history, so many successful empires have fallen, and I can't help but wonder, when will America fall?
Just today I was wondering how will the world I live in and know be portrayed in history books hundreds of years from now? What will historians say about the late 20th and early 21st century?
Will they focus on our acomplishments? Speak of all our inventions?
Will they talk about how all of our advancements led to our fall?

It's scary to think about this nation coming to an end, and I surely hope that it doesn't happen in my life time.