Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Victims of Money and Sex

When reading the article by John Bourdreau, you can't hep but feel enraged with everything that is going on. It is so sad how big of a role money plays in everyday life. It determines where you live, how you live,what you learn, and the oppritunities that you are given. It has now even come down to putting a price on a human being. Greed and sex not only destroy the quality of life, but also people's lives. I cannot believe that people fail to see the value in human life. I would have to say that society is partly to blame. For years, epecially recently, everything has been revolved around serving a specific demographic and capitalizing on that. It is sickening to think that people have gone so slow and have become so consumed with their greed that they result to criminal acts in order to make money.

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