Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hannah Teter is a....


She and Vonn not only recognize, but embrace the beauty of the human form.

I think that there is nothing wrong with nudity. There is nothing shameful about our bodies.
However, I did find it a bit funny that the article ended about childhood obesity. Its such a sad thing that can be so easily prevented.
What is to blame for this?...

Things have become WAY TOO CONVENIENT!! Kids are obese because all they do is stay inside playing video games or being on the computer. When they do go outside its to go get McDonald's or some other cheap, processed food.
Not only do we need a food revolution, but we need to change productivity level of our youth!!
That means less TV, computers, and xbox.
Parents, go put your kid on a team! Its an easy way to keep them active, to make new friends, and to develop social skills!

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